
Vashi patient's IVF success story at Malpani Infertility Clinic

(Saterday, May 31, 2014)

We got married in 2006 and life was quite smooth, we were always open for parenthood so we never did any kind of planning. Initial 3 years passed smoothly and we realized that things were not working out naturally and then we went for some medical help. I started my treatment with a renowned hospital of Vashi, it began with simple treatment for pregnancy and as it progressed I ended up with two failed IUI's. And to be very true, I personally got very scared as things were not working out, but things didn't stop here I had a lot of pressure, tension still left to be seen.

We switched our Doctor and the Cycle of Failures Continued There After with 5 Unsuccessful IUI's. Our mental condition cannot be expressed in words. We were very upset. Then one of my uncles made us meet his friend who being an MR specialized in supplying infertility injections suggested as a Doctor in Thane. In search of every possible result oriented outcome we immediately went there. I underwent a Laparoscopy/ Hysteroscopy over there and as a result of that the Doctor scared us that things were not in our favor. He said I immediately needed an IVF. I went for Laproscopy in Jan 2012 and the Doctor said if I will delay my IVF after April 2012 then there are chances that the things will go out of our hand. Because we had already struggled in our past this news came as a shock to us and we were not left with any other option except to go with his advice. Once again, I spoke to my uncle and this time he just suggested , as we were living near Panvel I thought Colaba is too far from there. But my uncle simply said you just go and meet him once and then everything is up to you. And finally the day came when we met Dr Malpani and against our belief all our negativity went off within an hour of meeting him. The failures that I met with, in the past suddenly faded off and we had a new light of hope.

Immediately the distance of our home to Malpani's Infertility Clinic became shorter and I started my treatment with him. I went for my first IVF, things were going fine and even the result was positive that made us really very happy and there was no limit of our happiness. But when I went for my first sonography, we got shattered as Doctor informed us that it was an ectopic pregnancy. What could we do, we were so depressed that all our hopes took an end. But gathering all our strength we again went to Dr Anirudh and it's for sure that meeting him once always makes anyone leave all failures, sadness behind. We decided to take a break of 6 months and again started my treatment. The cycle was excellent then before. This time we even had our frozen embryos as well. Everything was excellent, but then our luck was against us again and the result was not positive. You all can understand our condition now. Still, we had a hope and again in July 2013 we went for our Frozen Embryo cycle considering it our last trial. Dr Anirudh and his team have been, as always at their level best and thus I ended up this cycle.

The day came for my Beta HCG test, collecting all my strength again, praying vigorously as usual, finally all our prayers and hardships were answered and all my test right from Beta HCG to sonography went positive. But still the journey was not easy. During this period of pregnancy, I got hospitalized for 3-4 times and the first 4 months of pregnancy were full of tensions. I was completed on bed rest and it was the lucky day of 25th April 2014, when finally God heard our prayers and we were blessed with a cute little baby boy.

I with my family, thanksDr Anirudh & Anjali Malpani plus team for being so patient with us and for all their love and support.

We wish them good luck in the near future for all their kind work.

Thanks and Regards,
Sarita Laxmikant Shukla