Infertility Tests in Men & Women
Finding the specific medical reasons that cause infertility is the most important part of the medical evaluation. Most of the tests focus on checking these four critical factors: eggs, sperm, fallopian tubes and the uterus.
In order to understand why pregnancy doesn't ...
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Infertility tests which waste time and money
Being well informed can save you from wasteful and unnecessary Infertility tests that are a drain on resources and time. Here are some of the tests that are often ordered but not required for successful diagnosis, and a checklist of questions you should ask your doctor ...
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TORCH tests - Meaning and treatment | Is Torch test positive after a miscarriage ?
TORCH (TOxoplasmosis, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus, and Herpes) refers to infections that may be a cause for miscarriage. In our opinion, these tests are not worthwhile for most patients. A positive TORCH test simply means the patient has positive antibody levels against th...
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Laparoscopy and laparoscopic surgery
What is laparoscopy ?
Laparoscopy ( also called endoscopy or pelviscopy) is a surgical procedure in which a telescope is inserted inside the abdomen through a small cut below the navel, so that the doctor can have a look at the pelvic organs in the infertile woman. A ...
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Everything about AMH test | Interpretation of AMH levels - amh pmol/l to ng/ml
AMH (Anti-Mullerian Hormone) is produced by ovarian follicles and correlates with the number of antral follicles in the ovaries. Women with lower AMH have lower antral follicular counts and produce fewer oocytes. AMH levels do not change significantly through...
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