
Can You Get Pregnant at Home?

                                       Image result for Self-Insemination 

Some infertility solutions do not require medical intervention. Self-Insemination is simple in practice and can be done at home with a partner or even by yourself.

DIY (do-it-yourself) or self-insemination, is a method in which the woman (or her partner) inserts semen into the vagina herself, without medical intervention. This is a useful technique for couples with sexual dysfunction (eg inability to consummate the marriage because of impotence or vaginismus); when the husband cannot perform sexual intercourse for any reason on the fertile days; or for single women or lesbians.
It's surprisingly easy to learn to do, but because most women know so little about their own anatomy, most are very uncomfortable even attempting to try it. This guide should help you with the basics, but the only way to learn is by doing it.

You can also ask your doctor for help and she may be able to guide you in the beginning. Some couples may get turned off by the idea, because it is so 'clinical', with a little bit of imagination, and your husband's cooperation, you can make it fun! test

So what do you need? Very little, really.

The most important ingredient is a freshly ejaculated semen sample!

The timing of the insemination is very important, and you need to do it during your "fertile days". When you are using the Malpani Baby Kit for doing your self-insemination, it's very helpful to know what your peak fertile days are , so you can do the inseminations on those days to maximise your chances of getting pregnant quickly.You can use the Free Malpani Clinic Online Fertility Calculator to determine your peak fertility dates.

  • You can choose to get the fertile days for the next 3 months to over the next 1 year.
  • Once you have the dates, you can set up Free Email Reminders

The Calculator calculates your most fertile days based on the fact that:

  • Ovulation occurs 14 days before the next menstrual period is due.
  • Fertility peaks on the day of ovulation and for 4 days prior to this.
These are the days you should do your insemination
Please share these with your husband, so you are both prepared - physically and mentally as well. 

 We can do this automatically for you at Here

Ask your husband to ejaculate in a clean sterile plastic container. Make sure this is wide-mouthed, so it's easier for him to aim accurately ' you don't want any of it to spill out! Sometimes getting a sample can be difficult, and you may need to seduce your husband! Using a vibrator, or liquid paraffin as a lubricant can help enormously. 

After the semen sample has liquefied (this takes about 30 minutes), you are now ready to perform the procedure. Ask your husband to put on disposable gloves and then suck up the semen sample into the sterile disposable plastic Pasteur pipette by squeezing on the bulb of the Pipette. We provide this medical grade pipette ( the same one we use in our IVF lab) in our self insemination kit. Some people use syringes, but this is not ideal. 

Want to buy the Self-insemination kit?



  • The semen now needs to be squirted into your vagina, and this is the tricky part
  • You need to lie on a bed, with your knees and thighs bent, and your knees wide apart, so that your husband can see your vulva clearly
  • He then guides the loaded Pasteur Pipette into your vagina (he can do this just by feel, by inserting the left index finger into your vagina and using this to guide the pipette which is in his right hand).
  • He can put the Pipette in as deep as he wants . Don't worry - it won't get lost. He then squeezes the bulb of the pipette, depositing the semen into the vagina
  • You may find it easier to lie on the edge of the bed so that your hips protrude over the edge.
  • Putting a pillow under your hips can make it easier for your husband to perform the insemination
  • You can remain to lie on your back for about ten minutes, after which you can resume normal activity. Some of the semen will leak out, and this is normal
  • While using a speculum is not essential, it can help, because it makes it easier to inject the semen at the mouth of the uterus (the cervix)
  • You can use a disposable plastic speculum,. When you insert the speculum, make sure the blades are closed.
  • You can slide it in upwards, or else sideways, turning it when it has been pushed all the way into your vagina
  • When the handles are above your pubic bone, squeeze them together, which will open your vaginal walls. You will hear a click when the speculum is locked open
  • If your husband holds a torch, he'll be able to see your cervix, which is round and pink with an opening (the os) in the middle. The mucus may appear as a clear bubble or a thread like raw egg-white
  • You can use a mirror to see what's going on for yourself if you so desire! After the insemination, make sure that you release the handles and collapse the blades before removing it from your vagina.

You should try to inseminate about 3 times a month during your fertile period. You can inseminate daily if you like. The more inseminations you do in a cycle, the better your chances. 

You need to leave the semen sample in the container for 10-20 min so it can liquefy, after which you can suck it up into the pipette and then inject this into the vagina. You can leave the cap in the container during this time.
The sperm are safe in the container at room temperature for 1-2 hours, and will not die
The sperm do not need to be processed or washed in culture medium because you are injecting them into the vagina, just like you do during normal sex. The only difference is that instead of using the penis to do so, you are using a pipette
The volume of the pipette is 3 ml. You need to transfer the entire volume of the ejaculate during the insemination, and if the volume is more than 3 ml, you can do this twice times in the same procedure.
Some semen will leak out after the insemination, and this is normal, so please don't worry about it. Remember that leakage of semen after sex is normal is also normal. The vagina is a closed sheath, and the ejaculated semen has to come out of the vagina after it is ejaculated !It’s actually a good sign and means you have inserted this properly !
The chances of success are about 20% in one cycle . This depends on your wife's fertility. Do remember that it takes fertile couples time to make a baby in the bedroom as well so you do need to be patient.
You need to inseminate before ovulation - on the day of ovulation, and on the 1-4 days prior to this. You can do this daily or every alternate day
There is no point in doing an insemination after ovulation, because the cervical mucus dries up after this

Here are some queries patients often ask.

" We are planning for baby due to painful sex. We are trying home insemination. Through Youtube , we tried with a syringe last time . What we observed is almost all the liquid injected into vagina was coming out along with the syringe when it is pulled out. While surfing we came across your video and we are planning to buy your DIY kit. 

Have a few queries could you please provide your inputs.


1. How easy is this to do ?

It's easy to insert the soft plastic pasteur pipette deep into your vagina . This will automatically deposit the semen near the cervix.

2. Through the pipette should we drop semen near the cervical opening or should insert pippet slightly to cervix opening ?

Near the cervix is fine. Sperm can swim and will find their way to the cervical mucus, so please don't worry about this

3. With my previous experience injecting through a syringe I noticed almost all liquid came out of vagina, what should we do to make semen stay inside vagina ?

Lie down with a pillow under your hips for a few minutes after the insemination

Leakage is normal . This happens after sexual intercourse as well, because the vagina is a closed blind tunnel/sheath

4.After sperm ejaculation how long the sperm should be kept outside, I mean should we wait before inserting into vagina after semen collection ?

15 min is enough for it to liquefy

5. Is it necessary to get naturally lubricated inside vagina and get orgasm during this process ?

No, there is no relationship between sexual arousal, orgasm and fertility

5. Can the kit be delivered to my hometown which is small taluk in Karnataka.



The kit 

Please have realistic expectations of the chances of success. The chance of getting pregnant is about 10% per cycle - and if you are not pregnant in 6 months, you need to go to a doctor for additional assistance. You can assemble your own self-insemination kit and this should contain:

  • Semen container (wide-mouthed plastic jar)
  • Lubricant (liquid paraffin) to help your husband, if needed
  • Disposable sterile plastic Pasteur pipette 
  • Disposable paper/rubber gloves

Want to buy the Self-insemination kit?


Alternatively, you can buy a Self Insemination Kit from us by ordering it online.

  • Cervical cap
  • Torch
  • Mirrors


              You can buy the self- insemination kit from us. The cost is Rs 2350.
            You can send us an NEFT, and we will courier this to you. You can order by NEFT. Please email me at info@drmalpani.com when you do so.

Malpani Infertility Clinic Pvt.Ltd.
Citi Bank N.A. Fort Branch ,293,D.N.RD.Mumbai 400001.
Current A/C NO- 0451062115
Swift Code--CITIINBX
IFSC Code--CITI 0100000
Bank MICR NO-- 000037000.

        You can make the payment via UPI to us by using any of the upi apps at 9867441589@okbizaxis or you can also scan the QR code below for making the payment. Once paid please do send us a screenshot of the payment along with courier details to info@drmalpani.com or whatsapp us at +91-9867441589.

