This couple have been married for 6 years now and the woman had conceived naturally in 2007. Unfortunately she had a miscarriage at 13 weeks and after that for a long time she could not come to terms with her loss. Dr Malpani was just what they needed. With lot of explanation from the doctor, the couple decided to have a baby and now their journey is fruitful.
We have been married for 6 years now and I had conceived naturally in 2007. Unfortunately I had a miscarriage at 13 weeks and after that for a long time I could not come to terms with my loss. My husband was in a job which kept him away a lot and I was working as well so it helped to bury my nose in work. We lived apart for a year since he was outside the country for a year on work.
In late 2008 we started trying to conceive again but like many things that you try too hard for, it didn't happen for us. We didn't succeed, two transfers later (city movements on account of my husband's work) we found ourselves in Mumbai again in early 2010. I did a lot of research on fertility treatments and during one of those searches chanced upon Malpani's clinic. I booked an appointment and we went to see the good doctor in Jan 2010. He gave us a patient hearing and after scheduling initial tests, we went back to him with results. I was upset since my AMH levels were very low and research told me that my levels didn't look good and I was approaching something called as oopause.
When something like this happens many times you feel demoralised, want more information, yet do not know how to and who to approach for help. Dr Malpani was just what we needed - he talked to us , gave us the highlights and the lowdowns of the treatment and the outcome. My results were bad enough for him to say that my chances were lower than most women at my age who come in for infertility treatment. He asked get a second opinion (which we did and promptly came back to him) and decide if we wanted to go ahead.
For me, its important that I know what's happening and I usually do my own research and reading when I encounter something I'm not familiar with. I did a lot more reading on IVF and infertility. Though our odds were low, we decided to go in for our first cycle. I am quite an optimist and believe in the power of positive thinking and informed decisions. In April, after a work trip to HK, we commenced the treatment at Malpani's clinic. After the initial shots , when I went in for my scan, it didn't look good, I had just seven follicles and my chances of getting mature eggs was low. When we went in for the harvesting, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that all 7 had mature eggs and could be used for the procedure. We got a call from the clinic a few days later and were told all 7 eggs had fertilised. The day we went in for embryo transfer, the embyologist picked the best 4 embryos that could be transferred and all four were transferred.
Then came the dreaded 15 day waiting period which felt like it would never end. Though I wasn't advised bedrest by the good doctors, I took it easy in that time, working from home and avoiding any stress physical or emotional. After 14 days the Beta HCG was a big fat positive and we were over the moon ! We have a 9 month old beautiful baby girl and I want to thank Dr Malpani and his staff for their efficient treatment and care. Post my positive experience I have referred some good friends and relatives to Dr Malpani and I hope their journey is as fruitful as ours was.