
IVF success story for a couple from Bangalore

Couple from Bangalore get pregnant after getting IVF treatment at the Malpani Infertility Clinic.

I am 37 years old and my wife is 29 years old. We had been married for 3+ yrs, and had been trying to get pregnant ever since but unfortunately suffered a miscarriage first; and the second time it was an ectopic pregnancy where my wife lost her left fallopian tube. By losing one tube, chances of getting pregnant goes down by 50%. We live in Bangalore, and consulted many infertility specialists in Bangalore. We were extremely stressed & dejected and started avoiding our friends and relatives whose only question was when are we going to give the good news. We were spending most of our income on our treatments and obviously this took financial toll on us too. Apart from that, doctors whom we met all these years were too commercial and somehow I thought infertility has become a money spinning business for IVF clinics without any human touch.

Though me and my wife was so fed up with all these useless treatments that we refused to take any further treatment and almost decided to live life as it comes. We both were not interested to go for IUI since we heard that our friends underwent IUI all of which had failed. One last time we went for a second opinion with one of the specialists in Bangalore. Once he saw all our past reports he directly suggested us to go for IVF. But he insisted us to go for IVF only with Dr. Malpani in Mumbai. This was little confusing and we needed to think about it - why was he advising us to go all the way to Mumbai ? Didn't have Bangalore have good IVF clinics as well ? The same day in the evening we went through Dr.Malpani's website and were impressed by their work and the success stories. The next day we scanned all our reports to the doctor through mail. To our surprise the doctor replied to us within 4 to 5 hrs with the required information with cost of IVF. We decided to take some time off before starting the next cycle. Finally we decided to take up the treatment .
We kept in touch with Dr Malpani through Emails and he was always prompt in responding to mails. We never felt we are 1200 Kms away from Dr Malpani as he was always reachable by email. We were quite impressed with the professionalism and prompt response. My wife started taking injections in Bangalore itself and landed in Mumbai on 10'th day of her cycle in August 2012. We stayed near the clinic so commute was not a problem. But there was some bad news in store for us. Dr Malpani did the scan and told that there were not many follicles on 10'th day and we may have to cancel the cycle.

We were heart broken and thought that all our efforts had gone to waste. But then the doctor suggested doubling the injection dose ; and recommended that we see how the ovaries respond in next 3-4 days , after which we would take a call. We agreed and decided to continue for 3-4 days more. We hoped that the follicles would grow and increase in next 3-4 days. After 4 days of increased medication, miracle happened and Dr Anjali Malpani told us that she could see many more follicles ; and that they needed a few more days to mature before retrieval. We were scheduled for retrieval on 5th September2012 and Dr Malpani told me that they collected as many as 18 eggs of which 10 eggs were mature.

Embryo transfer was scheduled for 7th September 2012. It was little disappointing when he told that there was only 3 good quality embryos out of 10 matured eggs. Dr Mapani again comforted us and showed us the embryos in the lab. It was great to be able to see the embryos which were ultimately going to become babies. This shows that Dr Malpani really believes in empowering the patient by providing as much information as possible. No other doctor I visited earlier cared to tell us what they were doing. Many a times we would ask him stupid questions and he would address them with patience. I found this a very rare quality among today's doctors.

He transferred 3 good quality embryos and after 3 days of rest, we came back to Bangalore. After 15 days, we did our first bHCG test and oh my god!, IT WAS POSITIVE. We first could not believe it and we were waiting for this moment from last 3 years. I called Dr Malpani immediately and gave him the good news. He was also very happy to hear this. Then he suggested repeating the tests after 3 days. When we repeated the test after 3 days, bHCG doubled which indicated that this is a viable pregnancy.

Now my wife is 12 weeks pregnant and these are the most precious moments in our life. I treasure my wife's pregnancy and I am enjoying it. All our doubts and questions are still cleared by Dr. Malpani through mail and we are also comforted by his response.

Our sincere thanks to Dr Malpani and Dr. Anjali Malpani for their comfort and positive attitude. We take this opportunity to thank the staff at the clinic for their friendly approach and the homely ambience.