While it's reassuring
to remember that in case your infertility is due to a medical problem, you can
always go to a doctor to seek medical help , the fact still remains that going
to a doctor is an expensive exercise.
You need to pay the consultation fees; you need to pay
for the medicines; you need to pay for the scans and the treatment; and you need to take time away from work and make excuses for being
Also, doctors clinics can be scary and intimidating. They poke and
prod you; force you to assume highly undignified positions; disregard your privacy; and every time you go,
there is a new stranger who asks you personal questions, which you are fed up
of answering. All this can be embarrassing and discomfiting as well.
This is
why seeking medical attention is not something which any sensible patient looks
forward to . This is especially true when you have a problem of sexual
dysfunction one which you can fix for yourself , and don't necessarily
require all the bells and whistles which doctors provide .
Sadly, doctors will
not explain this self-help option to you, because doing an insemination helps
them do earn their living, which is why they will not provide you with
information about simpler , less expensive alternatives, which you can do for
yourself .
This is why the Malpani Baby Kit is so valuable for patients who
want to try getting pregnant for themselves, without having to suffer the
indignities of repeated medical visits.