One of the hardest things about infertility treatment is making the right decisions.
Indian patients expect their doctors to make medical decisions for them . After all , doctors are medical experts , and thats what they charge their professional fees for to give their opinion. Most patients aren't sure they know enough to be able to make the right decision for themselves, which is why they would much rather outsource it.
Many Indian doctors are happy to be paternalistic and to make these decisions for patients , because they think patients arent able to make such complex decisions for themselves.
However, mature doctors understand that human reproduction is a very personal and a private affair, and there is no one single right answer for every couple.
This is why they ask their patients for their inputs . However, patients are often not confident enough to speak up . And sometimes some of them wonder why the doctor is asking them their opinion - after all , isn't the doctor supposed to tell them what to do !
This creates even more tension in the room, leaving both patients and doctors unhappy and dis-satisfied.
Please don't get disheartened ! Finding an empathetic doctor ; talking to friends and family members ; and a therapist or counselor can help you sort out your options , so you make a decision which you're at peace with . Remember you're going to have to live with the consequences of this decision for the rest of your life, so please use your head, your heart, your soul and your guts when deciding.