
Our Bonus Baby - Our Success Story at Malpani Clinic

We are from Bangalore and had been trying to conceive from past 10+ years without any success. We had seen  multiple doctors here and tried stimulated cycles, couple of IUIs and one round of IVF at highly reputed clinics here. We even tried alternative medicines like homeopathy, ayurveda etc.. In these past 10+ years, I conceived naturally 4 times but miscarried before 9 weeks.

When we decided to do IVF at the end of 2012, I contacted Dr. Malpani for second opinion and his feedback gave me a lot of confidence to go ahead with IVF with a local clinic, but it was not a success. The tremendous stress I went through this IVF made me take a break from all sort of treatments. So we leaned towards alternative medicines because I was able to ovulate and produce embryos in previous IVF.

At the end of 2015, I pulled all my courage again and decided to do another round of IVF, but this time only at Malpani Clinic in Mumbai. My husband also agreed on the same. I immediately contacted Dr. Malpani by mail and got response within 12 hours. Amazing !!! He asked me to do couple of blood tests and SA for my husband. With these test results, we already had our treatment plan prepared by the doctor from day #1 of the cycle. But we wanted to meet him in person, so we met him in first half of 2016.

Our first experience at the clinic was awesome and we both immediately felt that we made a right decision and we are in right hands. In our first appointment, doctor explained the success rate of each IVF cycle and no false promises were made. Based on my age (late 30s), low AMH value and history of recurrent miscarriages, success rate would be maximum 5% with  my own eggs per cycle; and if we opted for donor eggs, it will be 40% – 50%.  This was a rude shock for us, and we told the doctor that both of us need some time to make a decision . We returned  home.

After applying a lot of logical, rational thinking, we decided to go with the donor eggs option.  My husband’s genes will be carried and I will be carrying the baby for 9 months. The comparison was with surrogacy and adoption and we felt this was a far better option.

Past experiences has taught us lot of lessons like time is so precious , so  go for the best available. We informed doctor about our decision and very quickly our donor had been identified. It was decided to go for the donor egg cycle in  mid-2016.

From day #1 of cycle till the end, the treatment plan was shared with us by mail. I did initial scans locally and shared report with doctor by mail. On Day#10, we reached Mumbai to stay for 10days. We stayed very close to the clinic and we never felt any pressure/tension to go to the clinic for  a scan/procedure. We got total 14  grade A embryos!:)

Dr. Sai (Embryologist) showed us the beautiful embryos before we headed towards the transfer. It was a very touching moment to see those embryos thanks to SCIENCE. Two day#5 grade A embryos were transferred by Dr. Malpani in the presence of my husband.

Here I should praise  Dr. Malpani and their entire staff’s manners and commitment to their work. They made me so comfortable in OT for embryo transfer  and all the time doctor was checking on me whether I was comfortable or not.  That kind of human touch and empathy with patients makes for a GREAT doctor. Before transferring the embryos, doctor asked us to pray to our GOD. Post transfer his instructions are simple: lead a normal life, we have done our job and let nature take care of the rest.

We returned home with lots of hopes after 3 days of transfer. That cycle didn’t work out. We took break for a couple of months before our first frozen embryo transfer cycle. This cycle went smoothly and again two top quality blastocysts were transferred. I was in the clinic only for 3 hours during the entire cycle. To the dot, the treatment plan was shared and executed by doctor so well.

After 12 days of transfer, I did beta HCG and the value was close to 2000. The value doubled and then quadrupled in consecutive tests. At 6w2d, we went for our first scan and found two beautiful heartbeats. Yes...both the embryos are implanted and today I am 12weeks pregnant with TWINS!!!

Till date, I e-mail the doctor with all my silly questions and he answers all of them. Whatever my local gynec says I want approval from Dr. Malpani. Experience and trust matters a lot !!!

I'd love to say a lot more about Dr. Aniruddha and Anjali Malpani and their clinic, but whatever I say will not be enough to express our gratitude.  They are really a blessing to the infertile couples to fulfill their dreams of having a baby.  We are so thankful to Dr. Aniruddha Malpani, Dr. Sai              ( embryologist and the CREATOR), our donor (whoever she is  GOD BLESS HER and her family) and entire staff at Malpani clinic.

For any personal queries, you can reach us at ourquestforbaby@gmail.com