Patient: Dr. Malpani, my partner, and I have been trying to conceive naturally. Are there any tips you can give us? Are we doing something wrong?
Dr. Malpani: That's a very common question, and I completely understand where you're coming from. Many couples ask for tips to help them conceive naturally. The truth is, it's certainly more enjoyable to have a baby in your bedroom than to have to see a doctor for it.
Patient: So, are there any specific tips we should follow?
Dr. Malpani: Most of the tips you'll find online are just common sense: lead a healthy lifestyle, don't smoke, don't drink excessively, and exercise regularly. But honestly, you don't need a doctor to tell you that—your grandmother could have given you that advice for free.
Patient: That makes sense. But will following these tips guarantee that we'll get pregnant?
Dr. Malpani: Unfortunately, it's not that simple. Getting pregnant involves multiple factors. It depends on the quality of the husband's sperm, the wife's age, and her egg quality. So, while a healthy lifestyle is important, it doesn't necessarily mean you'll get pregnant just by following these tips.
Patient: Is there anything specific you recommend for couples trying to conceive naturally?
Dr. Malpani: Yes, there's one prescription I give to all couples trying to conceive naturally. It's actually a fun one, and it doesn't cost any money.
Patient: That sounds interesting. What is it?
Dr. Malpani: The prescription is simple: have sex frequently. Don't count the days or schedule it too rigidly. You're not going to run out of sperm. The key is to have as much intercourse as possible during the ovulation phase—both before and during ovulation. After ovulation, the cervical mucus dries up, so additional sperm won't increase your chances of getting pregnant.
Patient: So, there's no need for ovulation prediction kits or tracking charts?
Dr. Malpani: Exactly. Throw away the ovulation prediction kits and BBT charts. Don't turn a pleasurable activity into a clinical one. Just have sex frequently and enjoy the process. This is the best advice to increase your chances of getting pregnant naturally.
Patient: Thank you, Dr. Malpani. This really helps to clear things up.