
Infertility- The Risk Factors


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Infertility is something that can affect both men and women and there are a number of different causes too. In many cases, there are certain risk factors that tend to trigger infertility causes such as:

  • Age- When it comes to women’s infertility, the egg quality is a major factor.  With an increase in age, there is a decrease in the quality of her eggs. Once the woman reaches 30 years of age, this decline becomes even more marked. The younger the woman, the more fertile she is. Men over 40 years also tend to be less fertile than younger me
  • Substance Abuse- Smoking and drinking can decrease fertility in both, men and women. Tobacco and alcohol can reduce the possible benefits of fertility treatments. These are considered to be infertility causes which can be completely controlled by men and women. Studies have indicated that there is an increased instance of miscarriages in women who smoke regularly.

Erectile dysfunction and low sperm count are also often attributed to smoking in men. When they are planning to get pregnant, women are advised to avoid alcohol completely. If the woman has just discovered her pregnancy, she should discontinue consuming alcohol as well. In men, heavy alcohol consumption decreases both sperm count and its motility.

  • Being overweight- Being overweight/underweight can have a negative impact on your body mechanisms (especially hormone production). A person who leads an inactive lifestyle can gain weight quickly; in turn, that can impact the man’s testosterone levels & his sperm count. Women are more prone to developing hypertension and other problems, which not only decrease fertility, but also threaten the pregnancy once the woman conceives.

Being underweight is unhealthy too. Women who are underweight may experience a number of fertility problems. Women who are underweight because they have eating disorders, may receive poor nutrition and may have poor health. This may mean that their reproductive system may fail to function optimally. When hormonal production is thrown off balance, it can be one of the most severe infertility causes.

 Read More- Infertility Causes 

How Can these Risks be Avoided?

  • Having and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the key to remaining healthy and fertile
  • Both men and women should not only maintain an active lifestyle, but should also make healthier eating choices. There is no substitute for proper nutrition
  • Managing stress is often difficult in our times, but taking time out to relax is very necessary too – especially if you are planning to start a family. Men and women, who are stressed, are often not able to conceive even if there are no biological problems.

Unexplained Infertility 

Often, doctors are not able to explain infertility because there is a complete absence of all infertility causes. Such unexplained infertility may be caused due to poor health and stress. Maintaining good sexual health and avoiding both alcohol and tobacco, are some of the other lifestyle choices you can make, to improve fertility and decrease risk of infertility.


There are a number of known and unknown infertility causes and certain risk factors up the chances of developing infertility. Its important to be aware  of these risks and make a conscious effort to live a healthier lifestyle; it’s the one way  to remain fertile.

Not happy with the attention you are getting from your IVF clinic? Need more information? Please send me your medical details by filling in the form at www.drmalpani.com/free-second-opinion so that I can guide you!
