Many IVF clinics advise their patients to transfer Day 3 ( and even Day 2) embryos back into the uterus . This is especially when they don't have too many embryos , or the embryo quality isn't good , but other terrible reasons are the fact that the specialist IVF doctor from Mumbai as to go back in 2 days, and cant wait to do a Day 5 transfer for you !
The justification ( excuse would be a better word) is that it's better to put the embryo back into the uterus , which provides a more natural environment , so it can continue to grow , rather than to keep it in the lab incubator.
Actually, this is a confession of the fact that they know that their IVF lab culture conditions arent good , and they don't have enough confidence in their embryologists skills to be able to culture all embryos routinely to blastocysts.
This is why they persuade patients into taking a shortcut and bung the embryos back into the uterus . This way, if the cycle fails, they can blame embryo implantation , rather than take responsibility for the fact that their lab is not good enough to create blastocysts routinely.
However, by transferring them early on Day 3, they can shift the blame for the failure onto the patient , and cover up their incompetence.