
IVF success story for patient from Delhi

A couple from Delhi were able to get pregnant using IVF at the Malpani Clinic.

Sachin and I were married in February 2000 and it was a very happy beginning to a new phase in our life. Time flew by and after two years we started thinking about extending our family. The first two years of trying to conceive yielded no result. The obvious step was to seek a specialist's advice. Several visits to different doctors and a long list of tests finally helped us zero in on IUI as a treatment option. I was elated that I was going to be a mother soon. But despite 8 IUI cycles there was no positive result. Then, a doctor suggested I try IVF.

I approached a very reputed hospital in Delhi and my first IVF cycle was initiated. I was disappointed at not being given an easy to understand, step-by-step guidance. There was also a lack of transparency in the type of embryos transferred and what was done with therest of the embryos. The two week waiting period passed very slowly and the day of the result arrived. I was very hopeful but the result was negative.

I was completely shattered and angry with God. I assumed that I was one of the unlucky few who is never meant to become a mother. I assumed no medical treatment was ever going to help me. I got completely involved with my job as a teacher and gave my 100% to it. Only about 4 years later I realized that I had not completely run out of time and deserved another chance to give IVF a shot.

So I went back to the same hospital but to a different doctor who had a better success rate,. I went through the IVF process again and was hopeful this time of a positive outcome but met with the same fate - a negative result.

This was in July 2011. Just when I had started my treatment in Delhi, my sister had surfed the net and informed me about Dr Aniruddha Malpani in Mumbai. Since I had already invested quite a lot of money, I decided to pursue my treatment in Delhi. But with the negative outcome, I thought of visiting Dr Malpani atleast once. My appointment was fixed for August and I met Dr Malpani at his clinic in Colaba.

Dr Malpani was very forthright and did not try to fill me with any false hopes.. He explained what the treatment would be and asked me to have a realistic expectation. He spoke of the many options I could choose from and also asked me to be prepared with a plan B of adoption since it was a lengthy process but would ensure peace of mind that if nothing worked, I would still have a baby in my life.

My IVF at the Malpani Infertility Clinic was done in January 2012. I waited for the result with a positive mindset but my result yet again was negative. But what was different this time was a comforting call from Dr Malpani himself. He said he was sorry that the treatment had not worked favourably and asked me to relax and that what next could be discussed later.

The next decision my husband and I arrived at was that we would go in for the guaranteed pregnancy programme, which involved four cycles. The word that captured my thought was guaranteed. Even though this does not guarantee a pregnancy, at least it meant that if all four cycles end up without a positive result, our money would be refunded. As mercenary as it sounds, such procedures do cost a lot of money and one has to be pragmatic about it.

My 1st attempt at the guaranteed pregnancy programme was scheduled for June end/July beginning 2012. The IVF process took place and I went back to Delhi after about 4 days of rest and then resumed work. The long week did take really long to pass by. Finally, the day of the blood test was once again staring into my face. Several thoughts preoccupied me, My husband was out of India on work and I went for the blood test and then to school. I spent my day doing what I'm passionate about - teaching -- and did not allow the result to overpower my thoughts.

I had passed on the responsibility to check the report online to my sisters. On my way back from school, just took out my mobile phone and read a message from my sister - UNBELIEVABLE - can this be true - am I really lucky?!! I checked the report online - YES I was pregnant. I immediately spoke to my sisters, my mother and then confirmed the same to Dr Malpani's clinic. Then I called up my husband and broke the news of a lifetime to him - he was ecstatic!

Yes my first trimester was not a smooth one. I had bleeding issues, severe bleeding in my uterus, extreme nausea. But what kept me going was my positive attitude and the serenity prayer I was introduced to by Dr Malpani. Today, I am in my 2nd trimester & with double the happiness because I am carrying twins.

I just pray everyday that things remain fine and I thank God daily for the blessing bestowed upon us. Our prayers were delayed but not denied. When God says NO or asks you to WAIT - it is because he has something better in store for you. Keep the faith.

I highly recommend the services of Dr Aniruddha & Dr Anjali Mlapani. The most reassuring factor during both my IVF cycles here was the fact that Dr Malpani was extremely prompt in responding to my emails & to extend every possible support & guidance. When your doctor cares, it shows.

So don't lose heart ! Have faith, be strong & above all adopt a positive attitude & things will work favourably. Thank you Dr Aniruddha & Dr Anjali Malpani for helping me experience the most beautiful phase of a woman's life - motherhood.

Upasana Manocha

Authored by : Dr Aniruddha Malpani, MD and reviewed by Dr Anjali Malpani.