
IVF Videos

How IVF patients can deal with unwanted advice

More Videos Consultation with an IVF specialist Ultrasound monitoring during an IVF cycle Egg retrieval for IVF What happens to your eggs in the IVF lab Sperm - in search of an egg Fertilisation - life begins ! Checking for fertilisation - the moment of trut......

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Why some IVF pregnancies miscarry

More Videos Consultation with an IVF specialist Ultrasound monitoring during an IVF cycle Egg retrieval for IVF What happens to your eggs in the IVF lab Sperm - in search of an egg Fertilisation - life begins ! Checking for fertilisation - the moment of trut......

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Does IVF cause birth defects?

More Videos Consultation with an IVF specialist Ultrasound monitoring during an IVF cycle Egg retrieval for IVF What happens to your eggs in the IVF lab Sperm - in search of an egg Fertilisation - life begins ! Checking for fertilisation - the moment of trut......

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IVF video - Testicular sperm aspiration ( TESA)

This video demonstrates our simple non-surgical technique to recover testicular sperm from a man with testicular failure or non-obstructive azoospermia. It's simple, short, effective - and much kinder, because there's no cut involved ! The beauty of this technique is th......

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Maximising your chances of success in an IVF cycle

While it would be great if every IVF cycle resulted in a baby, the sad fact is that the technology is still not perfect. There's a lot you can do to maximise your chances of success. This video discusses some do's and don'ts. Working in cooperation with your doctor will......

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IVF video - Malpani Infertility Clinic on ABC News

ABC News recently had a program on why infertile couples fly to India for IVF treatment. Not only is IVF treatment at Malpani Clinic much more cost -effective, it's also better because it's more personalised and tailored to your unique problem. Dr Anjali and I provide a......

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Babymaking 101 video

We all know that you need eggs and sperms to make a baby. But there's still a lot of basic reproductive biology many couples don't understand. This animated video will tell you all about the basics of making a baby in your own bedroom ( which is much more fun than going......

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The miracle of normal fertilisation

This animation walks you through the process of normal fertilisation. It truly is a miracle ! More Videos Consultation with an IVF specialist Ultrasound monitoring during an IVF cycle Egg retrieval for IVF What happens to your eggs in the IVF lab Sperm - in s......

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When Nature fails - IVF video

What happens when Nature fails ? This animated video shows how modern IVF technology allows us to accomplish the fusion of the eggs and sperm in the laboratory, no matter what the medical reason for this failure. More Videos Consultation with an IVF specialist Ul......

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IVF video

Most infertile couples know that IVF involves the fertilisation of the eggs with the sperm in the IVF laboratory. This animated video shows you the basics of an IVF treatment cycle in which we do what nature has failed to do for you in your own bedroom. Modern IVF techn......

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