When you can see your baby on the vaginal ultrasound scan, you are going to be very excited because you are one step closer to your dream of having your own baby.However, the truth is that not every pregnancy results in a baby - and this is as true of IVF pregnancie......
Even in this day and age , IVF patients still have all kinds of myths and misconceptions about embryo implantation . They worry that drinking tea or wine will damage the embryo; or that strong smells will reduce the chances of their embryo implanting. They want to k......
One of the newest rackets we're seeing is that a lot of men are being reported as having male factor infertility due to abnormal sperm morphology - what is technically called teratozoospermia. The irony is most lab technicians have no idea at all as to how to actual......
We have created over 100 videos on IVF to help you understand more about IVF treatment. You can now search the entire library online to find the topic of your interest with just one click !
IVF patients are very excited when their beta HCG is positive - they are finally pregnant, and can now start dreaming of holding their longed-for baby in their hands in a few months. However, the truth is that not every pregnancy results in a baby - and this is as......
IVF patients are very excited when their beta HCG is positive - they are finally pregnant, and can now start dreaming of holding their longed-for baby in their hands in a few months. However, the truth is that not every pregnancy results in a baby - and this......
Why the Malpani Baby Kit is so helpful for infertile couples trying to make a baby in their own bedroom
Why we are better at treating unexplained infertility as compared to diagnosing it !
Whenever infertile couples go to the doctor, they expect him to make a diagnosis , so he can tell them what the reason for their infertility is. They know that once that's been established, the doctor can treat this and they can have a baby. The reality is that we c......