

Can you really trust your IVF lab's semen analysis report ? IVF patients beware !

When patients go to an IVF clinic , they expect that the diagnosis and treatment will be done professionally, accurately and reliably. Sadly, most IVF corporate clinics today seem to be more focused on maximizing their profits rather than caring about their patient......

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IVF twins – twice as nice ? or double the trouble ?

Many IVF patients dream of having twins. Twins look cute especially in movies ! Everyone thinks they are adorable, and how much fun it would be to dress them up in identical clothes. Also, having twins is getting an instant family. Its a bonus pay for one, and g......

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How IVF labs lie to patients by mis-reporting teratozoospermia ( abnormal sperm morphology) when doing a semen analysis

A patient emailed me his semen analysis report for a second opinion. He was very upset because his doctor had told him that he had male factor infertility, based on this report, which showed a large number of abnormal sperm forms ( abnormal sperm morphology, the medi......

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Do not allow your IVF doctor to do a Day 3 or Day 2 transfer for you

Many IVF clinics advise their patients to transfer Day 3 ( and even Day 2) embryos back into the uterus . This is especially when they don't have too many embryos , or the embryo quality isn't good , but other terrible reasons are the fact that the specialist IVF do......

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The problem with travelling embryologists and why this compromises IVF care

The outcome of IVF treatment depends on close coordination between the clinical and the IVF embryologist . This is why it's so important that every good IVF clinic has a full-time embryologist , whose responsibility is to make sure that the eggs the doctor gives the......

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The problem with satellite IVF clinics and travelling IVF doctors

Many IVF clinics have setup branches known as satellite clinics in different cities , in order to take advantage of the fact that they have an established brand name . Of course, the fact that they get this brand name because they spend so much money on advertising......

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Why don’t all IVF clinics do only blastocyst transfers routinely for all their IVF patients ?

It has been well documented that the implantation rate with blastocystsis better than with Day 3 embryos. This is common sense , because a day 3 embryo needs to become a blastocyst before it can implant , and this is why its better to grow it in the IVF lab and wai......

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Doctor, my HCG level is 120 mIU/ml. Does this confirm my pregnancy is healthy ?

One of the commonest questions which patients ask me is about their HCG level . Doctor, my HCG level is 120 mIU/ml. Does this confirm my pregnancy is healthy ? Now you cannot determine whether the pregnancy is healthy or not based on a single HCG level. We need to......

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How IVF clinics create work for themselves by issuing incorrect and misleading semen analysis report

Since about 10 to 15% of married couples are infertile, one would think that IVF clinics would be quite busy treating infertile couples. However, the truth is that because there is so much competition , and because IVF treatment is so expensive , these IVF clinics......

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IVF patients need to learn to be proactive in their IVF treatment

When you do IVF, you dont need to become an IVF expert , but it does mean that you should know enough about IVF to be able to differentiate between a good IVF doctor and a bad IVF doctor , so you don't allow bad IVF doctors to take you for a ride . Before you sign......

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