Watch more such videos and updates, do subscribe to our Youtube Channel Need help? We provide a second opinion on all infertility issues. Please send us your medical details by filling in the form at so that we can guide y......
It's well known that there is lots of stuff we dont know about IVF. IVF doctors dont like being ignorant, which is why there is a lot of scientific research going on in order to expand our knowledge-base. However, our ability to apply this in clinical practice is s......
Watch more such videos and updates, do subscribe to our Youtube Channel Need help? We provide a second opinion on all infertility issues. Please send us your medical details by filling in the form at so that we can guide......
Most people think that circumcision will reduce premature ejaculation. The idea is that, after circumcision, the head and frenulum lose their security and are constantly presented to undergarments, losing consciousness. It makes the person sense intuitively, but there h......
Watch more such videos and updates, do subscribe to our Youtube Channel Need help? We provide a second opinion on all infertility issues. Please send us your medical details by filling in the form at so that we can guide......
Whenever I talk to patients about the medical details and the technical minutia of the IVF treatment cycles - things like their embryo quality and grading; how we select the right treatment protocol for them; and why vitrification works so well I often find their ey......