

The commonest reason for IVF failure will surprise you !

Going through an IVF cycle can be very stressful , and especially when the cycle fails , your stress levels go through the roof. Patients want answers as to why the cycle failed, so they can do something different in the next cycle to increase their chances of getting......

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IVF patients can often be pennywise and pound foolish

Most patients who do their first IVF cycle have no idea what good IVF treatment looks like.They mistakenly think that all IVF clinics are equally good and will give them the same level of medical care.They get lured either by the full page ads these clinics buy in new......

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How you can treat infertility because of sexual dysfunction at home using self-insemination

One of the commonest problems that prevents couples from having a baby is sexual dysfunction. This includes male issues such as premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction, as well as female issues such as vaginismus. These are surprisingly common, but because t......

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The dark dirty secret behind busy brand name IVF clinics

Most patients naively believe that busy IVF clinics which have a good reputation must be good because so many doctors refer their patients to these clinics for their IVF treatment. However, the reality is very different. Because they are so busy, these clinics often......

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When can you start your next IVF cycle after IVF failure ?

A common question many patients ask is how soon they can start the next IVF cycle when the first IVF cycle fails. Its very hard to bounce back to normal when your HCG comes back as negative, because you had hope that your IVF cycle would work. After all, no one would......

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How to maximise your chances of success in an IVF cycle

Patients are often confused to how many embryos to transfer in an IVF cycle . Obviously, everyone knows that the more the embryos you transfer , the better your chances of getting pregnant in that cycle itself , but like everything else in life, there is a price you p......

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IVF failure - Causes | What is the most common reason for IVF failure?

Causes for IVF Failure In vitro fertilisation (IVF) has a global success rate of less than 50%. This implies that nearly half of all IVF patients do not become pregnant, and sadly, your doctor may not always be able to tell you why IVF failed. IVF is a costly techni......

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If not pregnant after IVF when does period start? | What will the period be like after a negative pregnancy test and what to do next?

If not pregnant after IVF when does period start? The time when menstruation appears depends mainly on the treatment used. The period normally begins on the usual and expected day in individuals who have had an embryo transfer in a natural cycle. We will begin admini......

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Any IVF clinic which does Day 3 embryo transfers is a bad clinic

    Many IVF clinics bulldoze their patients into transferring embryos on day 3 . They tell them that the uterus is the best place for a day 3 embryo rather than the incubator, and thats why its best to transfer them back as soon as possible.   They also scare......

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Signs of failed IVF in 2ww | Symptoms that can tell you whether or not you're pregnant before you take a pregnancy test

Overview:During the second trimester of an embryo transfer, the body cannot provide any clues about pregnancy. Symptoms during this period are caused by high levels of sex hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone, which affect physiological functions. A positive bloo......

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