

Demand embryo photos from your IVF doctor | Embryo Photos

Overview: Most IVF patients are unaware of their treatment, leading to bad doctors exploiting their ignorance. To avoid being misled, it's essential to demand photos of your embryos from a good IVF clinic. Good doctors are open, transparent, and take pride in their med......

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What is the most common cause of not getting pregnant? | FAQ's | IVF Treatment

Every patient asks a doctor when they have a fertility problem: "Doctor, why am I not getting pregnant?" When they've done an IVF cycle and the IVF cycle fails, then the next logical question is "why did the cycle fail?" or "why did the embryo not implant?" Now, these a......

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Don't choose your IVF doctor without reading this blog | IVF treatment

The two most common cruel tricks IVF patients are subjected to by their IVF doctors. An IVF cycle is full of ups and downs and uncertainty and you never know what's going to happen next. You're happy that you're growing follicles well, but the eggs may not be enough, th......

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Is multiple embryo transfer better or does it reduce pregnancy chances ?

Many IVF clinics routinely transfer two, three, or four embryos at a time to inflate their success rates. Often, patients push their doctor to transfer more embryos because they think that transferring more embryos will increase their chances of having a baby. Let me ex......

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Is Surrogacy the right treatment option for recurrent pregnancy loss ?

Many women who've been unfortunate enough to have experienced recurrent pregnancy loss, recurrent miscarriages, or habitual abortion often believe that surrogacy is the right treatment for them. The logic is very clear and, in fact, a lot of doctors believe this too. Th......

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Learn how to become a Smart Patient ?

Many patients who have had unsuccessful IVF cycles are shocked and confused by how little knowledge they actually have of the IVF procedure. Despite being extremely bright and educated professionals, they don't appear to understand how many follicles they developed, how......

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Best treatment for Recurrent Miscarriages | Pregnancy Loss

It can be both extremely frustrating and quite satisfying to treat patients who have recurrent miscarriages. Recurrent pregnancy loss, recurrent miscarriages, or chronic abortion are terms used to describe people who have experienced two or more losses. It's disappointi......

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How can older women get pregnant ?

The majority of older women are aware that their chances of becoming pregnant are reduced and that menopause is a natural part of aging. They also recognize that there is a biological clock at work. Due to their ignorance of the rate-limiting factor and the location of......

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Mistakes IVF patients make when choosing an IVF clinic | Tips to avoid these mistakes

The most common error is to blindly rely on their family doctor, general practitioner, or gynecologist to refer them to a clinic because they believe and hope that their doctor is a trustworthy source of medical information and will act as a trusted gatekeeper and send......

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What is the cumulative conception rate in IVF ?

Everyone is aware that the success rate rises. A portion of it is, of course, common sense; for example, your chances of winning a large sum will improve if you purchase four lottery tickets instead of one lottery ticket. I believe it goes a bit farther than that, so fo......

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