Being infertile is a major life crisis and can have a huge impact on your life. It's not just the anxiety and the uncertainty of waiting to find out where you're going to have a child - it's the impact this can have on you as a person. A lot of people find that......
The most important question patients need to ask themselves before starting an IVF cycle is - What will I do if my IVF cycle fails ? After explaining to a patient what is involved in an IVF cycle, the last question I ask them is - What is Plan B ? Many don't un......
Not all well-meaning advise is useful. Telling an infertile couple to 'Take it easy, just relax' is not going to help anyone. Everyone loves advising infertile couples ! ( After all, if they've had a baby in their bedroom and proven their fertility , thi......
I just attended a seminar for gynecologists. One of the sessions consisted of a moderator who described the medical details of a series of infertile couples and then asked the panelists how they would treat them in their clinic......
I see patients who have done IVF cycles in other clinics all the time. How they responded in the earlier IVF treatment cycle provides me with valuable information, based on which I can tailor a better treatment protocol for them.......
Malpani Infertility Clinic is a boutique infertility clinic, and we pamper all our patients. Most of our patients feel the care we provide is often much better than the care provided in clinics in USA and UK. Read more about how we pamper our patients We offer all our......
While it is true that about 10 percent of infertile couples will actually have unexplained infertility is also equally true that this diagnosis is often misused because doctors do not perform a complete evaluation.A number of gynecologists are very quick to label patien......
Some tests prescribed by some IVF specialists are extremely expensive, a lot of them in fact provide information which is of absolutely no use in diagnosing or treating infertile couples.I just received this e-mail from patient. He was looking for IVF treatment, and had......
It's common knowledge that exercising and maintaining a healthy diet are key to keeping healthy. However there is little research as to whether exercise can help with In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) or......
Premature Ovarian Failure (POF), also known as premature ovarian insufficiency, primary ovarian insufficiency , premature menopause and primary ovarian failure, hypergonadotropic hypogonadism, is the loss of ovarian function......