

Patient feedback about Malpani Infertility Clinic

(Sunday, May 11, 2014) It gladdens my heart when I see photos of our babies - and the families we have helped to create ! Am very glad that Indian infertile couples like Mr and Mrs Bhatia have the courage to be open and articulate about their experiences. This will go......

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Patients as medical experts: Boon or Bane?

(Monday, May 12, 2014) In the past days, doctors were the sole experts in the medical field. They gathered knowledge from their fat medical books and their experienced professors. They underwent scores of exams to achieve the coveted medical degree which gave them au......

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Why don’t patients complain if they are unhappy with their IVF doctor ?

(Tuesday, May 13, 2014) Often patients complain to me at length about the bad services they received at their earlier IVF clinic. Many patients change their IVF clinic because they are dissatisfied with the poor quality of service they received . Many of them are unh......

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How can infertile patients take better decisions?

(Wednesday, May 14, 2014) Infertility is a daunting medical condition, which takes its toll on both body and mind. When an infertile patient decides to go in for treatment , she is faced with choosing from a wide variety of options. Often is can be difficult to choos......

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Beyond Organic Farming

(Wednesday, May 14, 2014) Beyond Organic Farming - Natueco Farming from Aniruddha Malpani My father runs an organic farm in MP. The trust teaches organic farming to Indian farmers.

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Committe for Quality of Health Sector of the RGJAY, Maharashtra

(Wednesday, May 14, 2014) I have been invited to become a member of the Committe for Quality of Health Sector of the Rajiv Gandhi Jeevandayee Arogya Yojana This is a government initiative to provide free quality critical healthcare for low income families.......

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Creating Health Literate Hospitals

(Thursday, May 15, 2014)

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IVF success story at Malpani Infertility Clinic

(Friday, May 16, 2014) We got married in 2005 and all was well till 2008, we never bothered about not being parents as we had thought of not having a child at least for couple of years just to enjoy the phase. But we didn't do any planning as we were open for p......

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How We Freeze Your Sperms

                                      Dr. Sai, Embryologist informs you how we freeze your sperms and what are the steps involved during freezing the semen. Dr. Sai, Embryologist, Malpani Infertility Clinic When do we freeze sperm ? Sperms are......

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Day 3 versus Day 5 transfers - which has a higher success rate ?

(SATURDAY, MAY 17, 2014) There’s still a lot of confusion as to whether Day 5 ( blastocyst) transfers are better than Day 3 transfers. A lot of patients believe that blastocyst transfers have better success rates. As IVF lab culture systems improved an......

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