

IVF Treatment Journey in pictures

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Repeated IVF failure versus recurrent implantation failure

. A failed IVF cycle causes a lot of heartburn . It's not just patients who get disheartened and disappointed, and doctors also wonder about what they can do differently the next time to improve the chances of success. We need to differentiate between repe......

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Why IVF babies are at increased risk as compared to normal pregnancies

A lot of people worry that IVF babies are abnormal as compared to babies made in the bedroom . This is often based on press reports which say that IVF increases the risk of babies having medical problems . This is true , but we need to understand why ! Th......

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Why sophisticated IVF patients love technology - and how this can hurt t...

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When IVF is bad for you !

While IVF can be a very effective treatment option for infertile couples, the sad truth is that it sometimes causes more harm than good. Thus, many IVF doctors push unproven and untested tests and treatments on their patients. These are disguised in the garb of b......

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Bed rest is bad for IVF patients.

One of the myths which continues to plague IVF patients is that of bed rest. This has been propagated for decades, and everyone tells them to rest after doing a transfer. It's often not just their mother-in-law and friends - it's often the doctor ( and nurses)......

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The infertility doctor merry-go-round !

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New research shows that PGT does not improve pregnancy rates

The latest craze in IVF clinics in India today is to promote PGT ( preimplantation genetic testing). This is an expensive test, which allows us to check the chromosomes of an embryo, so we can transfer only the chromosomally normal embryos back into the uterus. N......

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Simplifying IVF - what IVF patients need to know !

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LH as the villain in IVF protocols.

The purpose of an IVF superovulation protocol is to help you grow lots of follicles, which is why we use gonadotropin injections which contain 2 hormones - FSH and LH. One of the problems is that the LH hormone can sometimes play the role of a rogue. If......

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