

Learning from every IVF cycle

The outcome of an IVF cycle can never be predicted, and sometimes in spite of the best possible medical treatment, your cycle may fail. The important thing is not so much the failure, as to what we can learn from the failure, which is why our focus should ne......

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IVF video - The problem with bad IVF clinics

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Why azoospermic men get poor quality treatment

One of the reason azoospermic men don't get good quality treatment in IVF clinics is because most IVF clinics don't have a full-time urologist / andrologist on their staff. This means they have to depend on an external consultant urologist to come and do the......

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IVF video - what's the commonest mistake IVF patients make ?

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The problems which bad IVF clinics cause.

In an ideal world, all IVF clinics would be equally good. They would have high quality control standards; would be open and transparent; follow global best practices; respect their patients; and share medical records routinely and proactively with their pat......

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But you do not need IVF !

Many patients who come to us for a second opinion havebeen advised IVF by other IVF specialists , and they want to find out if we can do a better job. When I review their records, I sometimes tell them - You don't need IVF at all ! They get perplexed ,......

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Reinventing the IVF consultation

Traditional clinical practice was based on the fact that the doctor would see the patient in the clinic; take a history; do an examination; run some tests; and then offer a treatment plan. This is the consultations have been done for years. However, times a......

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IVF as a game of chance. IVF video

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Timing " baby making sex " reduces your fertility !

One of the commonest mistakes which infertile couples commit is that they reduce their own fertility by trying to time intercourse. The standard medical advice given to men is that they should not have sex for two or three days prior to ovulation , so they......

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How to find an IVF clinic which cares about you

All IVF patients want to select IVF clinics which have a high pregnancy rate, but it's very hard for them to judge what the real success rates are. Most clinics will not share this information, or will manipulate it in order to fool patients. That's why it......

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