IVF Success Stories: Kenyan couple with low sperm count get a baby!
Low sperm count also causes lot of problems while you plan for a baby. Couple from Kenya had similar problems but got their problem resolved at the snap of a finger. Here is how....
B&K from Kenya write...
My wife and I have been married for seven years. We discovered our problem two years ago and the matter was simple. I had a zero sperm count and our local doctors told us to consider adoption. We felt that there were other options available to us and we would have to find those. So, surfing the net, we came across Dr. Malpani's web site. We read (and re-read) through the site and decided that we should contact them. We had also come across other sites but none of those were as clear as how this one is explained.
Coincidentally we had to travel to India for other reasons and took the opportunity to see Dr. Malpani. As with a lot of places in India the exterior of the clinic was pretty ordinary and we were hesitant as we went up the lift. But our apprehension melted away once we entered the clinic. We immediately got friendly and efficient service that made it easy for us to feel at home and comfortable. The clinic is clean and modern and very inviting.
The doctor saw us and we explained to him our problem. Now the best thing about these doctors is that they are very straight forward and do not beat around the bush. Couples such as ourselves are looking for ambitious and positive answers for the doctor but in this case the doctor does not put any false hopes in you but rather discusses the logical possibilities if any. He told us that we had a chance with the TESE-ICSI treatment.
As it was late for to start treatment and so we returned to the clinic after ten months. (we live in Kenya by the way). But during this ten months we were constantly in touch the clinic and they helped us to prepare for our visit.
The treatment went as per plan and the doctors took us through each and every step very carefully. At any point where the treatment was not responding, the doctors took it very seriously and adjusted medication accordingly. This made us feel that this is not a profit hungry commercial enterprise but made of people who care about patients and their feelings first.
My wife is now nearly three months pregnant due to the hope, encourage, treatment and good advice given to us my Dr. Malpani. From having lost hope to having a chance now, my wife and I cannot describe it as anything else but a miracle!!
I would recommend to any couple having problems with infertility to talk to these guys, I can assure you that they will be of tremendous help, whether your infertility problems are solved OR NOT.