
Post Embryo Transfer Precautions

Once a patient reaches the embryo transfer stage, she gets very excited. This becomes a very major milestone in the treatment. Their hopes are very high because they have been able to make embryos and they feel that now their chances of having a baby are very high. This proves to them that their eggs and sperm are functioning as they should and that the doctor is doing a good job.

Now, the only thing that is required is that the embryo should stick and they feel that this is something which should happen automatically. It’s a natural process that happens all the time is what they feel. Unfortunately, the truth is that not every embryo becomes a baby, regardless of whether it was formed in Vivo or in vitro.

At this stage of their IVF cycle, they are simply petrified that they will end up doing something wrong that will harm their embryo and cause it to dislodge and fall out. They always ask us what precautions they should be taking; even if they don’t really ask, many well-meaning relatives and friends will proffer advice about the things they should or shouldn’t be doing.

They ask about which foods they should eat and whether any foods are too hot or too cold. They want to know whether it’s okay for them to bathe, have sex, take a shower etc. Many will also ask whether the embryo will fall out if they drive through a pot hole. They worry about whether they would be able to take a painkiller if they have a headache and about things like whether it’s okay for them to dye their hair.

No control over embryo implantation

The important thing to keep in view here is that after the 30-second mechanical transfer procedure that the doctor actions, the implantation are something he has no control over. It’s a biological process and though the embryos have been artificially transferred, doesn’t mean that the implantation can be influenced too. It’s a natural process and all we can do is wait and watch whether it’s been successful.

The other thing to keep in mind is that do women take any care of their embryo after they have had sex in their bedroom? In simple words, the embryo doesn’t care about the route that was taken to reach the uterus and no lifestyle change is required after embryo transfer.

Self blame

The sad part is that when the embryo fails to implant, patients tend to blame themselves for no reason at all. The same well-wishers, who were warning you about not doing certain things etc, will also come back and lay the blame on you, for failure of the implantation. What patients need to keep in mind is that no special precautions are required post embryo transfer. Once they are in the uterus, they are safe and sound there. You can carry on your daily activities just as you normally would.

Not happy with the attention you are getting from your IVF clinic? Need more information? Please send me your medical details by filling in the form that I can guide you!

Authored by : Dr Aniruddha Malpani, MD and reviewed by Dr Anjali Malpani.