
Cost Effective Baby Making at Home using the Malpani Baby Kit


The Malpani Baby Making kit is an extremely cost-effective option for couples who can't get pregnant because of sexual dysfunction; because of unexplained infertility; and those who have problems with scheduling intercourse during the fertile time because of their work commitments.
While going to a doctor for treatment is always an option, this can be extremely expensive.
You need to go to the doctor multiple times during one cycle , and the costs add up very quickly. Also, because the success rate is not 100%, you may need to repeat your treatment over many months .
To add insult to injury, not only are doctors visits are expensive , so are the ultrasound scans and the actual insemination procedure, because doctors charge a pretty penny for their services.

And lets not even talk about the embarrassment and dignity of lying on the examination table, with your legs up in the air , with all kinds of strangers coming and going , without a thank you or by your leave !
The Malpani Kit costs less than one visit to the doctor , and because you can do three inseminations in one cycle , this allows you to maximize your chances of getting pregnant quickly.



Source: https://blog.drmalpani.com/2020/09/cost-effective-baby-making-at-home.html
