My husband and I had been trying to have children for 8 years and counting. We tried everything we knew , all to no avail. At first , after no conception for 2 years , we thought it was because of both our hectic schedules, and we started spending more time together , and having intercourse during ovulation with the help of over the counter ovulation sticks..still this proved futile.
I then decided to visit my Ob/Gyn for assessment. All the necessary tests were done for me and nothing significant was discovered that could have been the problem. She decided to evaluate my husband and found out that he had severe oligospermia. He was placed on some pills for 3 months and we were asked to have sex at particular periods during his treatment.
This too proved futile and frustratingly we embarked on the journey of artificial insemination. We had 3 attempts with clomid and periodic HCG, , all of which were a waste of time and resources.
One day at work , a friend who had also been trying to conceive , gave me Dr Malpani's email address and asked me to try him. Reluctantly , I sent him an email , basically stating who I was and why I was writing him. I logged off thinking I'll check my mail tomorrow for a reply and to my surprise, Dr Malpani answered my email immediately and asked me to fill up a form. He diagnosed our childlessness as being due to severe oligoasthenospermia and suggested that ICSI would be the way forward.
My husband and I were even more thrilled when he made available to us the price and the detailed step by step daily treatment plan. We were confident with such professionalism and openness that we were on the right track. We immediately began making plans for the trip to India.
Were we worried ? Yes, of course ! I had never been so far out of West Africa ( which is where I'm from ). It took a major leap of faith to go all the way to India because we did not know anybody there. We were going to seek treatment from a fertility specialist who I'd only been in contact with via email. What if he was a fake ? Or if his clinic was a scam? We had a lot to lose because we didn't know of one person personally who had been to you. We were depending on Internet stories , and now a days anyone can put any stuff on the internet. My husband felt it was a calculated risk, but one worth taking.
The first day I stepped into the friendly environment of Malpani Infertility Clinic , I knew I was in the right place. What really calmed me down was the collected way the staff dealt with all their patients, and the passion with which each client's schedule was met. If there was any delay you would be informed appropriately , and on time. Dr Malpani and Dr Anjali handled the procedures so well , giving us information , and encouraging us at the same time . They did not overpromise, but gave us a sense of positivity, that made us confident that they knew exactly what they were doing ! We felt comfortable we were in safe hands !
Finally after years of trial and error treatment, we did our first ICSI treatment cycle at Malpani Infertility Clinic in August 2014 . We have beautiful embryos , and I was so hopeful that I couldn't wait to get home to do our pregnancy test.
Fourteen days later, when the HCG was done and it was positive , I was ecstatic. Malpani Infertility Clinic had lived up to their claim of being the right place to have a baby !
Our daughter , Sariel-Benelle Karmorh, was born on 21 May, 2015 , and we are proud to show her off !
And to top it all , we even got to cryopreserve our remaining grade A embryos, so we plan to go to Dr Malpani in a few years to complete our family !