

Why do some IVF doctors still transfer more than one embryo?

Everyone agrees that transferring a single embryo is best for IVF patients. This is called an Elective Single Embryo Transfer, and the best clinical only transfer one, top quality blastocyst, because singleton pregnancies have a much better obstetric outcom......

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What can I do to improve the chances of embryo implantation ?

After the embryo transfer , the commonest question husbands ask is - What can I do to increase the chances of my wife getting pregnant ? My answer is simple please pamper your wife , and give her all the attention that she wants ! Now this may n......

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When IVF doctors do not have all the answers

One of the problems with IVF is that we often don't have answers to our patient's questions. This is particularly true when an IVF cycle fails, even though the embryo was top quality ; the endometrium was perfect ; and the transfer went smoothly. Now patie......

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The four factors which affect embryo implantation

After the embryotransfer, everypatientwants toknow - WillIgetpregnantornot ? There are 4 factorswhich weneedtoconsider. Thefirstisthequality of embryo. What was the grade of the blastocystwhich was transferred ? A photo is worth a 1000 words, and......

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The importance of your medical records of your IVF treatment

I see many patients who have done an IVF cycle in other clinics , but have failed. I ask them for a copy of their medical records, as well as photos of their embryos, so I can analyse what we can do to improve their chances of success for their next cycle.......

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Should I transfer one embryo or two?

It's very tempting for an IVF doctor to make decisions for a patient. After all, we are the medical experts and patients expect us to make the decisions for them, because we're the ones who are supposed to know what to do. They trust that we will give them......

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Which is the best IVF clinic in Mumbai ? | IVF india

    Many patients ask me to refer them to IVF clinics in their own city because they find taking treatment locally is much more convenient.   The problem is that it's hard to be sure about the quality control standards which clinics adopt, which is why I am re......

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Was your IVF cycle canceled?

    Most patients look forward to their IVF treatment , because they know it maximizes their chance of getting pregnant. However, when their doctor cancels their cycle halfway, they're quite disappointed and disheartened, and are not sure what to do next.  ......

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Do you really need IVF treatment ?

One of the concerns which a lot of infertile couples have is that lots of IVF doctors overtreat the infertile couples . It seems that if you have a hammer, then everything you see looks like a nail, which is why it appears that IVF doctors will advise IVF f......

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Repeated IVF failure

Repeated IVF failure can be very frustrating for both doctors and patients. After a failed IVF cycle, you find yourself at a crossroad , because you're not sure what do next. Should you change your doctor ? change your treatment ? get a second opinion ?......

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