MetaTitle Navigating Failed IVF: Next Steps and Options | Malpani Infertility Clinic, Mumbai

Failed IVF

Failed IVF
Failed IVF, What Next: At Malpani Infertility Clinic, we understand that experiencing a failed IVF cycle can be disheartening and emotionally challenging for individuals and couples striving to achieve their dream of parenthood. As pioneers in fertility treatment, D...

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Failed IVF In Mumbai - Treating IVF failure In Mumbai
  Some infertile patients undergo many IVF cycles and produce embryos, but the embryos consistently fail to the implant for unexplained reasons. This is called IVF failure or implantation failure. This is a very frustrating problem...

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How many IVF cycles should I do ?
This is one of the commonest questions patients who have failed an IVF cycle ask when they come to me for a second opinion. Is it worth doing another  IVF cycle ?  What should I change ? Do I need to do anymore tests ? Should I expect to do three ? ...

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Why did my IVF cycle fail ? And what can I do differently the next time ?
When an IVF cycle fails , patients want to know what they need to do differently next time. Was there a problem with the eggs ? or with the sperm ? or with the uterus ? While it can be very hard to pinpoint the problem precisely , it's important to think through these q...

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Learning from a Failed IVF Cycle
One of the hardest things for an infertile couple to deal with is the failure of an IVF cycle. In fact, it's the fear of failure which often puts off a lot of infertile couples from even attempting an IVF cycle. They are petrified that if they try and fail, they will ha...

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Failed IVF - what next ?
When your IVF cycle fails, it's often hard to bounce back. Even though your head understands that IVF doesn't have a 100% success rate, it's hard to deal with the failure. In their heart of hearts, every patient who starts an IVF cycle believes that this cycle is going ...

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Bouncing back after a failed IVF cycle
If your path to the discovery of the fact that you are infertile has been anything like mine, then you would have gone through a roller coaster of emotions.... namely shock, anger, acceptance and finally you would have made a decision to act. Well at least in today's ti...

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Failed IVF - Treating IVF failure
Some infertile patients undergo many IVF cycles and produce embryos, but the embryos consistently fail to implant for unexplained reasons. This is called IVF failure or implantation failure. This is a very frustrating problem - both for patients and for doctors. In som...

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