Malpani Infertility Clinic has featured in many leading newspapers like The Times of India, The Indian Express, DNA, and Hindustan times; and many national and international magazines like Newsweek, Outlook, Glamour. We have also been featured on a number of global and Indian TV channels, including: ABC News, BBC News; ABC ( Australia); CNBC; NDTV; and Zee TV.
Times of India, -- 'Skilled Manpower, Low Cost Of Treatment Attract Foreigners'
HELP is a body of information
City's infertile can now pay a visit to some real friends
Have you found the right doctor?
No sex please, but we want babies
More HIV+ men discover ART of becoming a father
Care in a capsule
Infertility Cures draw med tourists to city
Just A Beam Of Light
Embryos up for donation
Colaba infertility clinic has more than 1,000 'potential babies'
potential babies
How old is too old to be a mother?
Banking From Healthy Eggs
Sourced from the world, baby created in India
A passage to India to carry life back to Britain in her womb
For UK couple this trip could get them their second Indian baby.
The latest: adopted embryos
Indian Express -- City Doctor Proclaims The End Of Male Infertility
Indian Express, -- Striving To Overcome Male Infertility
India Express, -- Sperm Donors: Banking On Life And Money
Outlook Magazine, India's leading weekly newsmagazine , carried out a survey to rank India's best hospitals ( 1 July 2002 cover) . This survey ranked the country's best health centres in the areas of cardiology, gastroenterology, infertility, oncology, ophthalmology and mental health.
Guardian newspaper ( from UK) has a story on why couples from the UK are coming to our clinic for IVF treatment.
Read the article
Glamour magazine has a story on why infertile couples fly down from the US to our clinic for IVF treatment.
Read the article
Businessworld Magazine, India's leading business newsmagazine , ran a cover story on World Class Surgeries.
Read the article
Afternoon Despatch and Courier, -- Juggling With Genetics
Afternoon Despatch & Courier, -- Infertility Friends - Sharing And Caring
Infertility is no curse; awareness is the key to dealing with it
Mixing Treatment with pleasure
Patients must be active participants in thier medical treatments